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Corporate Wellness

At National Enrichment Group we know that having quality wellness programming and promoting health in the workplace has a profound effect on improving employee morale. We offer all types of wellness programs that are aimed at supporting employees in adopting healthy behavioral changes. 

Additional benefits of Corporate Wellness include:

  • Reducing health care costs 

  • Improving employee productivity

  • Creating a better sense of culture in the workplace

  • Helping with employee retention and recruitment

  • Boosting employee morale

Conference Mingling
We come directly on-site or virtually, bring everything with us and our wide range of services.
Professional Development Trainings

All of our live trainings allow for employees to perform better with greater responsibility, work as a team and increase productivity. 

Nursing & Health Screenings

Lifestyle assessments usually comprise a combination of tests, which aim to give an individual a general overview of their health status and help to detect disease or risk factors early.

Corporate Jewelry Making And Beading

Serves as a great method for employees to destress while creating bracelets, earrings, necklaces and more.

Corporate Art And Illustration

Allows employees to express themselves while using art as an outlet to destress and reduce anxiety

Mental Health And Wellness Therapy

Licensed mental health therapists help employees combat stress, anxiety, personal issues at work and all other mental health issues.

Cooking Workshops And Classes

These workshops are hands-on and designed to help employees prepare healthy meals and snacks for themselves and their families.

Corporate Art And Music Therapy

Art and Music Therapy allow employees to express themselves and use this time to destress in a group setting. 

On Site Chair Massage For All Occasions

Our massage therapy sessions are designed to relax and destress employees.

Nutrition Workshops

Our workshops help educate and motivate employees looking to improve their nutrition and develop healthier habits to prevent or manage health issues.

Corporate Wellness (Yoga, Tai Chi, Salsa, Zumba And More...)

A great way to get employees active and stay active while at work. 

Health Coaching

Our health coaching program guides and supports employees to make long-lasting changes to their health and well being.

Corporate Gardening

A great way to provide employees with the opportunity to destress.

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